
Saturday, December 04, 2010

Frost Bite 5 mile RTP Time Trial

The decision had been made a couple weeks earlier to conduct an unofficial self timed time trial for the Thorns N Roses group.

This would be the second one conducted in a series of Time Trial events.

The 29 degrees at 9 am kept only the foolish interested in the planned Time Trial.

Those braving the cold included:
Kevin Smit - GOG
Theresa Smit – Mother Theresa – she opted to go shopping instead of on the bike ride.
Rob Robertson – Top Rookie – was struggling with stomach issues and wisely elected to go home and take care of himself vs riding in cold weather.
Todd McBride
Elise Cobb – stopping in Brueggers to visit the rest room. GOG asked her if she could be talked out of the ride and her reply was – “I am dressed and ready to ride”. Later on she learned that there are not enough layers to keep her warm. In fact she turned in to a “Popsicle” on the ride.  Sounds like a good nick name for this rider.
David Bridenbaugh – Mr. Bridenbaugh
Jim Cobb
Ginny Davis
Chris Stark
Cary Millichip – back from a successful Beach to Battleship Ironman event – well done SIR.
Shawn Richardson – the Green Flash
Lee Duncan – Sonic Boom.

GOG had scoped out the route for the time trial and was excited to show all those in attendance what he had planned for them. GOG knew the route would be more challenging than what would meet the eye. The rolling hills would surprise the most fit and able bodied. Five miles does not seem far, but with a slight head wind, cold dry air filling the lungs, and the non-flat course, those five miles would feel more like ten.

Prior to the ride GOG produced a Thorns N Roses Liability Release for all to sign.  All riders are going to be asked to sign the Thons N Roses Liability Release form.  This form is designed to make it clear that all who participate in the weekend rides understand the inhearnt risk of riding a bike in traffic.

The group was guided out of the parking lot with all heading towards the standard Preston exit out of Cary. The Green Flash and Sonic Boom were already challenging each other to measure the others competitive spirit for the day’s ride. The average pace thru the Preston neighborhood was over 18 mph vs the normal 13 mph. GOG was already working harder than what he experiences near the end of a long ride, and the group was just warming up in their first 3 miles.

The group reassembled long enough for GOG to swing up from the rear and telegraph the next turn putting the pack on to Ron’s pull. No pace line formed as each cyclist was working to continue their warm up without over exerting themselves in anticipation of the Time Trial. Sonic Boom exploded out away from the rest in an effort to raise his body Temp. Later he was seen slowing down and falling back into the pack as he announced that his fingers had finally warmed up.

GOGs next commands put the cyclists onto Lewis Stevens and across Morrisville Carpenter and onto Koppers Road that then becomes McCrimmon Parkway. The route cross over Davis and then parallels Highway 54 as the pack turned left onto Church St.

Again the pace was strong with Sonic Boom and The Green Flash once again testing each other in an effort to see who was more ready for the days Time Trial event. The group then were directed thru and new neighborhood that wound its way back towards and eventually onto Davis for a short distance. A left off of Davis had the group riding on Hopson Road and among the 540 construction equipment. From here the group was directed left back onto Louis Stephens Dr. in the RTP area. It will be on this road that the time trial will be conducted.

GOG held the pack up just as they crossed Kit Creek Road.

GOG asked all to pay attention as he described the “Time Trial route, and how it would be conducted.

“Here is the start of your Time Trial”, “We will take this all the way to were it intersects Davis Drive”, “At that point you will make a U – turn around the median and return on Louis Stephens back to this location but on the other side of the median”. “The course is not closed so you will need to be aware of all traffic”. “Lets ride the route together and make note for yourselves on any obstacles, sharp turns, the intersection at Davis and how to safely navigate the U-Turn” , “I will reset my odometer and measure out five miles from this starting point”. “Think about what order you want to go in with each rider starting 30 seconds behind the previous one”.

The group road slower than the pace set to get to that location. GOG was still averaging 18 mph as he rode the course, thinking he felt pretty strong, and anticipating a 20+ mph average during the actual Time Trial. Upon completion of the trial run GOG was able to easily mark the five mile ending point.

“OK, Who goes first?” he asked.

“I will” chimed in Gary Milichip. “I am still working through recovery from the Ironman event” he added.

The order and times for each rider are as follows, with on 3 seconds separating the two fastest times over the five mile Individual Time Trial.

Gary Millichip              16:05
Chris Stark                   15:40
Ginny Davis                 17:26
Kevin Smit                  16:44
Elise Cobb                   16:58
Todd McBride            17:40
Jim Cobb                     15:18
David Bridenbaugh   14:15
Shawn Richardson    13:51 – Fastest time
Lee Duncan                13:54

Everyone enjoyed themselves and are looking for the next time this Time Trial will be conducted. The expectation is to do this at least two if not three times a year to help monitor progress. The 2 mile Time Trial Route will also be conducted two to three times a year. GOG is still working on a 10 to 12 mile route, however the logistics and traffic on that route make pose to great an issue to conduct the Time Trial.

Lee Duncan – Sonic Boom – completed the course having gone last. As he finished bodily fluids were streaming from his nose and mouth. He did not have the energy to wipe that away and the slime wiggled and jiggled as Lee attempted to communicate to the group that he rode as hard as he could have. He also expanded on how hard it is to do an individual Time Trial, and how he did not expect the course to be so challenging.

Elise was quietly shivering as she allowed each rider to complete the event, log their times, and then GOG explain the return route back to the finish expecting to have completed 36 miles for the days ride.
GOG looked over at Elise and urged the pack to head out since Elise was turning into a Popsicle. Poor Elise has none of the winter body fat stores that can protect her from the cold.

Stay tuned for more announced Unofficial Time Trials.
Also make sure you sign the Thorns N Roses Liability Release Form.