
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Threat of Rain did not keep the riders away

Those in attendance included:
Theresa Smit - Mother Theresa
Todd McBride - B3
Kim Barker
David Bridenbaugh - Mr Bridenbaugh
Josh Carter - Moving Violation
Tim Divinney - The Love Train, The Love Boat (new nickname due to his swimming skills)
Matt Fowler
Deb Hollis - Two Saddles
Joe Pittman - Mr Immortal
Sharon Prochazka
Dave Pynaker
Don Shupe
Robert Speer
Matt Fowler
Mike Bracco

GOG provided the Thorns and Stems options of completeing 45 - 52 miles.
He shared this route with Mr. Bridenbaug, Todd McBride B3, Immortal Man, Moving Violation.
Mr. Bridenbaug announced that the Thorns will likely to the longer distance but keep it slower than normal.  They figured more like 18 mph vs the 19+ usually accomplished by the Thorns.  GOG then announced to the group that those not wanting to go the full distance or that pace need to regroup at the Wilson Gas Station and follow one of the others who know the alternate route as described by GOG.

GOG then announced that Mother Theresa would be leading a group on a 30-35 mile route at a more reasonable 15 mph pace.  With this information the group immediatly formed into two with at least a half dozen lining up with Mother Theresa.

GOG did not ride.  He is resting and preparing for his back surgery scheduled to Thursday April 28th.

1 comment:

Tim Devinney said...

I meant to send you a note Kevin to make sure we got Kim Barker's heroics mentioned in the blog. After the Thorns were cut off by a large pick up truck that could not wait 5 seconds for us to pass by his driveway Kim stopped and confronted big burly pick up driving man. She will now be know as Girly Giant Slayer!